infomobil events
Flood Protection - Advice - Information
One of the main tasks of the HKC is to disseminate information on the economic and practical management of floods. For this purpose, the Infomobil is made available to all interested parties as a mobile information unit for training purposes, information events to educate and raise awareness, and for public relations work.
The Infomobile contains a wide range of information from all areas of the HKC, which can be used according to agreement and target group. The basic equipment of the Infomobile includes an exhibition of models and illustrative material on general flood protection. These can be used, for example, for tips and information on backwater protection, structural measures on buildings or behavioral precautions.
HKC Infomobil - Map of Events 2023
Telefon: 0221 / 221 261 60
E-Mail: CVUSNmqprq.ravyab-pxuKHUTOmbx@GFAWVUdp.bsav
Flyer Infomobil [1.89 MB]
The button at the top left of the map allows you to expand a list of events sorted by date.
KAHR Infomobil - Map of Events 2023
Telefon: 0172/2565726
E-Mail: LIHZQlbsrq.ravyab-pxuMEYXmfzp@IHCRNjyw.maren.ebqbrug-fanu
Flyer Infomobil [1.89 MB]
The button at the top left of the map allows you to expand a list of events sorted by date.